Sunday 22 April 2012

Online Reputation Attacks Could Be Significantly More Powerful When Videos Are Used

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AppId is over the quota

Since taking over YouTube, Google appears to be on a mission to turn the internet into a multimedia medium and so are the other major search engines. It is believed that Google uses positive discrimination in order to encourage the use of video on the internet and as a result, it gives priority to video results which contain the searched keywords as well as to web pages which contain videos.

This means that online videos could be used as an explosive weapon by those who wish to harm your online reputation. Online videos can be optimized to obtain good placements without the search engines in exactly the same way that optimisation is done for a web page. In fact, some argue it is much easier to obtain high places in the search engines with videos than with web pages. At the moment, online videos remain a major reputational weakness for many businesses. But this weakness can be turned into strength very quickly.

As a tool to protect your online reputation against defamatory videos, if you make an early use of online videos, having at least 4 or 5 short ones, you will soon find that your business is found also on YouTube and on other websites which pick up videos from YouTube, but more importantly you will have created an important, yet simple and relatively inexpensive defence shield, which would make it more difficult for anyone else to penetrate. There are production companies out there which would create a series of 4-5 60 or 90 second videos for you from as little as £500.

If you don't want to spend any time on this, they can use images to create the videos or they can even speak to your customers and create a compilation of testimonials. For our purposes, having the videos out quickly is the most important thing. Later on, when you are ready to put together a more robust online video marketing campaign, you will be able to add to or even replace your initial videos with your latest Oscar Nominated production. The general rule is: "the more and the quicker, is the better."

Yair Cohen is an Internet Lawyer in the UK. Learn more about Internet Law and Online Defamation -

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